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The mission statement of Crossing Cultures is as follows:


Promoting self-exploration, growth and inspiration to underprivileged inner-city youth by expanding their knowledge and exposure to other cultures as a foundation to expand their horizons beyond the borders of their local communities.


Quantitative studies are difficult to conduct and or resource for proof of the fundamental impact of travel opportunities on student success.  There have been many qualitative studies conducted that show exposure to cultures through travel experiences has been shown to directly improve student outcomes.  Via inspiration, broadened perspectives and exposure to insights of other cultures, students have reported returning home with a renewed sense of vigor self-confidence.  It has also been found that students with opportunities to travel abroad have tended to complete their education successfully with more directed goals for college and career choices.  Many such students reporting a desire to improve their communities as well as continue to expand on further travel opportunities.


Crossing Cultures Association is elated to have partnered with Carleva Bay, whose visions are shared;  we are driven by a single goal; to do our part in making the world a better place for all. Our decision-making process is informed by comprehensive empirical studies and high-quality data evaluation. We strive to build productive relationships and make a positive impact on all of our pursuits.


Our Vision 


To help young people appreciate diversity and corporate despite differences. To gain knowledge of different tools, methods, and techniques for managing diversity and interacting successfully despite potential misunderstandings. 

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How Carleva Bay Got Started 

What’s in a name? Initially a joint family effort, Carleva Bay was born of a need to accommodate our students groups in Jamaica. Nelson and Novella—partners in life and service—purchased the former vacation home of a surfer. They decided to name the house after their mothers, an amalgamation of their given names, Carla and Eva 

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Discovering Jamaica Through Its Beaches

One thing we won’t shy away from is the beauty of our beaches. From white and black sandy shores, to a secluded island a mere boat ride from the city, Jamaica has a beach to serve each of your preferences. Yallahs Bay Shores You can bet that we’re definitely biased on this one. Rocking on […]


48 Hours in Kingston, Port Royal & St. Andrew

In the opening scene of Disney’s third Pirates of the Caribbean, the treasured Jack Sparrow is beaching the shores of Jamaica. Eyeing Port Royal through his monocular, Jack drops from his lookout post to the deck of his tiny boat. As he saunters onto the town docks his boat capsizes behind him. Port Royal, Jamaica […]


Morning Rituals by the Sea

Morning rituals. Vacation routines or weekend getaways. Pick a locale and subscribe to its unique subset of pleasures. Café culture in Paris. Morning espresso and brioche in Italy. Dim sum weekends in Hong Kong, waving your hands in a packed restaurant, desperately trying to catch the attention of your server. These are shared cultural and 

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Welcome! We are Carleva Bay

Carleva Bay is beachside villa on the South Coast of Jamaica, in the Parish of St. Thomas, located 30-45 minutes east of Kingston. The Carleva Center is not a hotel. Nor do we see ourselves as a hostel, dormitory, or share-house. We strive to aim further, reach farther than mere brick and mortar. The Carleva […]

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